The Bigger and Better Business serves as the an umbrella for other national initiatives involving business. The program’s goals include supporting minority businesses, increasing communication with sigma brothers involved with business, and instilling sound business principals and practices to members of the community. Project S.E.E.D. (Sigma Economic Empowerment Development) is the foremost Bigger and Better Business Program. The program was developed to help the membership focus on two important areas: Financial Management and Home ownership.

The Network’s purpose is to provide networking, educational, wealth building and advocacy support to Phi Beta Sigma men who are business owners. Within Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity is a wealth of talented and innovative businessmen in various industries throughout the world. This network focuses on pooling these resources together to create a collaborative force in improving the quality of life in our communities through wealth creation and economic empowerment.

Through this website, we highlight our Sigma businesses and celebrate their services. We encourage you to support these businesses through your patronage and referrals throughout your network.