Florida State Conference 2019

Florida Sigma’s 2019 State Conference hosted by the South Florida Chapters:

Rho Sigma
Theta Rho Sigma
Zeta Iota Sigma
Gamma Gamma Sigma
Alpha Beta Iota (FAU)
Beta Pi (FMU)
Lambda Tau (FIU)
Gamma Alpha Delta (Nova Southeastern Univ)
Gamma Zeta Sigma Chapter

This year’s conference will give Brothers opportunities to participate in several workshops throughout the day geared to develop your leadership skills and expand your knowledge base – allowing you to become more effective and empowering leaders in your chapters. We look forward to seeing you in Boca Raton, Florida!

Friday, January 18th – Sunday, January 20th

[button title=”2019 State Conference Registration” link=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2019-phi-beta-sigma-fraternity-state-conference-tickets-50806374233?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-source=strongmail&utm-term=listing” target=”_blank” color=”#2991D6″ font_color=”#ffffff” size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]


Embassy Suites
661 NW 53RD ST
Boca Raton, FL  33487

[button title=”Hotel Registration” link=”https://embassysuites.hilton.com/en/es/groups/personalized/B/BCTNWES-BH2-20190118/index.jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG” target=”_blank” color=”#2991D6″ font_color=”#ffffff” size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]

Hotel Information: Embassy Suites  – Rooms start at $159 per night.


[button title=”2019 State Conference Registration” link=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2019-phi-beta-sigma-fraternity-state-conference-tickets-50806374233?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-source=strongmail&utm-term=listing” target=”_blank” color=”#2991D6″ font_color=”#ffffff” size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]


Conference Forms and Applications